Saturday, June 23, 2012

10 minute challenge-one on one time with kids

This Summer has been crazy! How is everyone doing on their happiness blueprint? Have you breathed deeply today?I have definately had my ups and downs this month.I have really been enjoying teaching my children. The time is already flying by.

If you want your family to be happy then Mom needs to be happy.As parents we are like ships heading out to sea.We all embark on our journey with bumps along the way..One thing that I didn't count on was that my boat would get a hole in it. A friend of mine who has Fibromialgia was trying to give me some ideas on how to get my energy back.She told me that if your boat has a hole in it you have to fix it before you can row again. I have been thinking a lot about this and that many people do not understand our struggles and have even made me feel bad for mine.They see me not rowing and tell me to pick up my ores and paddle.They can't see the real problem. Before you can really write a detailed blueprint you need to look at every detail,fix what isn't working.Evaluating is the next step after we examine ourselves.Are you writing everything down?Get a special journal where you write your thoughts,goals, and anything you want to add so you don't forget.Write it down and you cant forget.We should learn from our mistakes.We may jump back and forth from examining to evaluating.Ask yourself the hard questions. I felt like I was just floating each day and so I found teaching and blogging to bring me out of my funk.It really did! I feel alive again!

My challenge to you is to look for ways to spend one on one time with their kids.Find at least 10 minutes to play with your kids,read to them or just get down on the floor and play what they want. There are ocean currents of family and outside influences. Home is our safe harbor,where we can fix the holes in our boat.We need to be awake enough as parents and well enough to realize our home is where they learn and grow and where they can rely on their parents. My husband and I have weekly couples inventory and we talk and pray about one of our kids in depth each week. Praise your children more than correct them.Find time to tell them what they are doing right.Tell them you love them.

Breath,relax and be calm

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