Thursday, January 30, 2014

Take back your Turf Thursday-what happened to Reaching in and reaching out week 5?

Picture source:unknown?

The snow is falling here and so is my energy to get things done.This last month I have been doing my Reaching in and reaching out challenge.That determination hasn't fizzled just trying to write a post everyday has yet again proved to be challenging.So what did I decide?......Reaching in has reached out to Take your Turf back Thursdays and they have now joined forces.It is now a weekly series!Yay! Of course taking back your Turf falls in the Home section of the weekly challenge.

Reaching in:
So tomorrow is the eve before February.I am not going to lie this makes me ecstatic that Spring is nipping at winters heels!After Christmas I am done with the cold and snow!However since this disagreement I have with winter exists in my head I choose to use February as a time to love myself,my partner and kids to the fullest.Take that winter,oh I mean I love you winter!So happy almost New month!

How are you doing on your resolutions? It is a start of a new month and time for me to look at my goals and with as much excitement as the New year I am recommitting myself!That is where you all come in dear readers.I am writing this publicly so I can be held accountable.

So how am I going to show more love to myself?

If you have taken the journey with me so far I think we have learned some very important things we can do.For example, slowing down,scheduling time for yourself daily and weekly outing.What about what you think about yourself?Are you taking care of your health and your heart?I am only mentioning a few right now.I will talk more about what is to come next post.To set the tone in your home you MUST make time for YOURSELF!You will be amazed how much more you can GIVE of yourself.

Reaching out:

How am I going to show love for others?

As I mentioned above I am using February to increase my love for my family.14 days of focused love,and attention from yours truly!Lots of hugs and cuddling,one on one time,and controlling my anger.I know there are going to be those days where I have to muster all I have not to lose my mommy mind!

How will de-cluttering and downsizing what I have help my home be a more loving place?

I plan on answering these questions as I discover them this next month.I hope you take the journey with me!Do not despair if there is not a post everyday.There is going to be a lot of LOVE for my family and myself.I can share some here to on my blog too.<3 My hope is to have a happier HOME ,children and HUSBAND.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Letter P for penguin-preschool and infant lesson

I am a little late on this post since penguin awareness day was on January 20th.So I decided to do penguins that week

Scripture:Mosiah 18:21-unity and working together

And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.

Youtube video on the power of union and strength
Nursery Rhyme:5 little penguins
            adapted by Robin Suitt
5 Little penguins slipping on the ice
            One fell down, that’s not nice.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
            “No More penguins slipping on the ice.”
Then 4,3,2,1 and no more penguins slipping on the ice

Music and movement
We waddled around like penguins as we sang our songs to day.We also got a ball and pretend it was an egg.The daddy takes care of the egg and the mommy goes and finds the food.

Story time:
The penguin who hated the cold

I want to be your personal penguin By Sandra Boynton

The penguins are protected from the cold water.To demonstrate I found this experiment, I drew a penguin and colored it with crayons.I helped because we had to make sure it was covered well.Then we took a dropper of water.It was amazing to see the water stay in droplets and not absorb on paper.After we were done my preschooler wanted to do another one.

Practiced writing letter P.

Babies 9 months and up-While we were doing that the baby wanted to play.I gave him paper and a crayon but he just wanted to eat it.So,I put him in his high chair and let him play with ice and water.I worked on some ASL.I introduced cold and worked on Mom and all done.

To end we piled cushions on the floor to pretend we are penguins on the ice.This is really good for gross motor development.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 26 (3 ways to give fully and know yourself)

NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

Reaching in:
This week has been energizing and eye opening!U haven't caught up on my writing because I have been so busy.I haven't been busy in the run around,errand kind of days.I figured the only way to find my talents was to try whatever I felt I needed to do.I decided to break down this scrip picture and really look deep.

First NEGLECT not the gift
The most important gift This has given me is to be a Mom! I DO NOT want to NEGLECT such a precious opportunity.Are you with me on this?The next question that comes to mind is what if I fail?Where did the sense of failing come from and why are we so hard on ourselves?The question really should be,what if I don't try?Failing is really just a way to see what is not working.We just need to rework some things ir start over right?
We need to MEDITATE or think about these things.It is not a casual thinking it is get on your knees and really study.Here are few things I have been thinking about:

  • Less Facebook and more face to face.Set limits for screen time and spend more time with family.
  • Less overscheduled and more rescheduling to make time for YOU,yoyr SPOUSE and family.
  • More routines and more sticking to them.Your lufe doesn't have to feel like a routine.However,routines help use your TIME wisely.TIME is valuable.
  • Less go,go,go,and even less "letting yourself go".As Mom's we should be at our best.If putting a little time for oyrselves makes us happier and healthier than why should we NEGLECT ourselves?
  • Less No's and more I knows.I hate what happens to my child when I tell them no.It is like thier world is their eyes.Still if we could in those moments,however ridiculous they are acting , say "I know you are upset or I know how you feel.Those are the "no's" our children need to hear!
  • Get to know yourself.Read this article 5-ways-to-get-to-know-yourself-better and grab your journal!

Give WHOLLY(give whole)Give our heart to God and family.This means COMPLETELY! There is no in between.If you keep working hard and using your time and talents to whatever you do;you will find the treasure inside you!

"Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness."Mother Teresa

I hope as Mothers and parents we never stop TRYING........and if we FAIL.....let us have the courage to START OVER.........

When we reach in we also reach out to others.We set the tone in our home dirty or spotless!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 25

Are you hiding your talent?Are you using it fully?

 Matthew 25:14–30 (parable of the talent)

"Our families are blessed as we use our abilities in our homes. As we learn to sew, cook, and keep an orderly home, we can beautify our lives and lighten others’ work. As we develop a kind and loving nature, we bring peace and harmony into our homes. We can extend our talents to bless the neighborhood where we live. We can bring joy to friends around us as we help those in need."(rest of this lesson found here)

"NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

Some talents I have been wanting to learn or re-learn:

  • Be more sensitive to feelings.I feel like that used to be a strength,but as I try to discipline and take on my day, I get impatient and angry.What if instead of putting my child in time out all alone,I sat with him/her until they were calm,and talked them through it?How would I feel then?Could I be prompted more easily?
  • We love music.My husband and I both like to sing and play instruments.We don't do this very often.I decided for family night I want to do a talent show
  • I love to organize,but I am NOT organized.I am trying though and delegating.
  • I love to write
  • I love people.There are so many times I want to do something but I end up not doing it.I want to put these intentions and thoughts into action!
  • The one we can all do more of is positive thinking.If you can have a positive outlook you can further any talent you have or want to have. 
There are so many great things we can learn.I hope you have been thinking about what interests you!Your gift can benefit so many if we use it fully.Wherever we have been holding back,let go.

If we do tend to hide our talents it is for many reasons.You may not feel like you have the time.You may not feel that you are good enough h or can do it as well as another mother.These are all negative thoughts.I can tell you as long as you are TRYING you are good ENOUGH!

How to be more positive-in 2 steps

1.Watch out for negative thinking.Try instead to be grateful for what you have and who you are.Those negative thoughts will soon become positives.This is one of the most important things I do for my happiness blueprint.Replace thoughts of helplessness with being helpful.Hopelessness can become hopeful!
2.Practice being grateful.You can write what you are grateful for down at the end of the day.Learn to change your thinking you change you're attitude.If you change your attitude you change your life!Tore life will be more full and happy!

I wrote more on this here

Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

Things are going well in getting rid of things in my house!I am making so much progress!How is your week going?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 24

Reaching in:
“NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment". Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gift:Being true to yourself

 We can't help but to feel.Do you ignore your feelings if the people around you don't feel the same way.Don't ignore your emotions.They are a part of you,just like your eye color.Feelings are neither right or wrong they just are. It is also what you do with these emotions that matters.How often have you thought or said I shouldn't feel this way?Why?Are you worried about what others think or that you aren't valuable enough? It is about being true to yourself and knowing what you deeply want.This may sound like I am saying to be self absorbed.This is not the case.I am merely saying don't just do something that you are uncomfortable with or ignore nagging feelings like loneliness or anger.You should allow yourself to move through the your emotions like you are going from point A to B.Have you heard of the term emotional roller coaster.This term means you and your emotions are all over the place.It has ups and downs.I am using this phrase metaphorically .If you move through an emotion you go through the ups and downs until you reach the finish.You can get off the "ride" knowing you have worked through it.The other options are bottling it up,pushing it aside or changing yourself.If you choose these unhealthy route, I think this tells oneself"you aren't important".

This process for the most part is brief.There are times where we keep getting back on the ride because of the drama we feel or denial.Who says there us a select time frame.If it is taking you longer to work through it;there are several options to help.You can find a support system like family and close friends.Journaling and writing how you feel is also one of my favorites!
Honoring our feelings isn’t about thinking you are better than anyone – it’s really about being true to ourselves.

Our emotions are a part of us.I feel that we experience these emotions also that we might lift another.If you have lived it you can empathize with that person.Today try to notice how you feel and also see if you can be in tune with someone else.Maybe a tired spouse or a child who feels they aren't being heard.Sit down with them and help them work through that emotion.You can be sensitive to others while still being true to yourself.

Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 23

Reaching in-
 Sister Belle S. Spafford, a former general president of the Relief Society says-
“Homemaking, as I view it, falls into two major divisions: homemaking and housekeeping. Homemaking takes into account the spiritual values: love, peace, tranquility, harmony among family members, security. It makes of a place of residence a spot to which family members can retire from a confused and troubled world and find understanding and rejuvenation. Its character is quietness; it evidences good taste, culture, and refinement. Men, women, and children alike have their individual contributions to make to good home and family life, and each shares in its benefits.

Homemaking can be a gift.There are many different areas of homemaking.What makes a home?First of all the Mom sets the tone.You have more power than you think!The atmosphere is very important in a home.Can you think of someones home you always want yo be in?Why are you drawn there?
I have always wanted to be one of those homes.The busyness of life can throw your house into chaos.It is then time to put on the breaks and look at what your priorities might be.My husband and I counsel with the Lord and each other.We have a meeting together each Sunday and a family council on Saturdays.This helps us work as a team and be aware of what is going on.

Still I am not perfect and I certainly cannot do it ALL!Am I a failure?No and if you are lost in piles of toys,laundry and dishes like me you are not alone.To fully give the gift of homemaking you must start over.This can happen daily,weekly or whenever.Just like any gift it needs nurturing and time.If you are moving forward each day then you are on the right track.Here are a few areas where your true gift and talent may shine:
Cleaning and organizing
Home beautification
Meal planning

Amy Clark Scheren says what homemaking is @
"It's about the day-in and day-out acts of loving and serving our families. It's about managing our homes in a way that blesses others. It's about creating a peaceful and comfortable environment where messy lives and broken hearts can see the gospel being lived out. Where our husband and children and friends can be refreshed and restored. Where we can find and give joy."

Maybe we could look at cleaning as a blessing for our home.I think we all know what we don't like about our home,but what do we like?Peaceful and messy cannot exist,not really.Clutter and mess make the whole family on edge.It feels like nothing is ever finished.What do I propose we do about it?

DISCOVER the lost art of planning.
Everything starts with a plan,its not always well thought out or followed through with,but its there!My happiness blueprint starts with a plan.Plan with a smile and resolve to be happy.That is a gift you can share with everyone!

I suggest that we take back our evenings.Have a party tonight!When the kids are in bed get a notebook out or planner.Write 1-3.On the next page write your Daily list.This is not a schedule but a list of what you HAVE to get done in a day.For example for me:
Read scriptures,pray
Make beds
Dishes and kitchen counters
Laundry(one load per day)
Sweep(several times a day so baby doesn't find a goody on the floor and choke.
Mom time
Straighten Living room and entryway
15 minute de-clutter
Time with kids
Time with hubby
Plan next day
Once you have your daily list go back to the page with numbers 1-3.We are going to write 3 goals to make this to do list happen.Make these goals specific and attainable.The point here is to not overwhelm you.Here is mine:
1.Time with family is most important so make sure cleaning is done before dinner rush.

  • Make sure kitchen is clean night before.
  • Older 2 kids in charge of table and floors before leave for school
  • I clean up after lunch.Sweep and straighten living room
  • Move laundry through when kids get home from school

2.Fix night routine

  • Find the problems
  • Keep kids in kitchen helping
  • Get things ready the night before
  • 5 minute clean up and inspection.All toys downstairs.
3.10 minutes at least uninterrupted talking with my husband and 10 minutes planning for the next day.

Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 22

When will my reflection show who I am inside?Thanks to my daughter for borrowing my boots.Cute picture huh?We need to love ourselves and be who we are.

Week 4
Reaching in:
“NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

I love and echo what this great woman's group Time out for Women is asking us woman to do!This inspired me for this weeks challenge.Check them out!This group invites women everywhere to discover the gifts they have been given and make sacred time to “meditate” on them.How can we give these talents wholly(fully) to them?

Let yourself shine through.Would you like to unlock your true potential?Stop comparing yourself or to have the perfectly clean house or the greatest hairstyles for your girls.If its not YOU why stress yourself out?Find out what you are good at.We are all born with gifts that our unique to us.

Who are you?As mothers we wear many different hats.Can you wear all the hats at once?Not without looking silly.In addition only one will fit on your head at one time.What I wish to convey is that we cannot do it all or be the best at it all.We can discover what make us shine and make the time to nurture these gifts.Change your perspective and look a little deeper within.It is there!Celebrate your strengths.Strive everyday to be your best self.

If you don't recognize and love the true you; you need to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.This will improve how you feel about yourself. Gifts come in all different sizes and shapes.SHAPE— Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences.You have a bundle of talents.Like a muscle these talents need to be used.If you don't use them;you lose them.

Challenge:Write at least 3 things you are good at and strengthen those areas.As you do this you will see where you have become strong and beautiful!
Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 3 Day 21

How have you blossomed this month?How have you helped nurture your kids?

I have really been enjoying these challenges this month.What about you?Hopefully you are aware of yourself and not lost in mommy land and the business of life.Our heart,health and home depend on us taking care of ourselves.These three areas are all encompassing.We need to do a little in each area daily.
Week 1-
Reaching in:
We learned you can't be behind the scenes of our life.Take some time daily if you can for you.Care about how you look,exercise and talk to friends.Do what makes you happy!No more wondering where your day went.

What if we could instead get a behind the scenes look by trusting God and following his plan.What does he want us to do as mothers?

Reaching out:
See who needs your time and give it without interruption.I found it to be my husband most days.

Bring in flowers or plants.Think of yourself and your family as these flowers.They are ready to bloom and it is your job to help them.How can you help yourself and children bloom this week?

Week 2-
Reaching in:
It is important not to work against yourself.Learn to rest more and reflect.Take time to breathe.Learn to listen to your body.Your kids need your time and to be present.It isn't too hard to really listen to them and see how they how much they are and have changed.

Reaching out:
Do something for a neighbor or friend.Give them a call or bring treats.You could also pray for them.

Working on a project from your to do list.

Week 3
Reaching in:
We have been talking about getting  over mental blocks.Whether we know it or not our mind creates mental road blocks.It can stop us in our tracks like a stop sign.

1.Don't make excuses or blame other people why your life isn't the way you want.
2.Eliminate self doubt-I can't because....
3Stuck in wonder land.I wonder what it would take to do____

My book I have been writing is coming along nicely!Just a few minutes a day.It is important to have a plan.

Reaching out:
Write love notes to kids and husband this week.

Make room an oasis and relaxing place to be.The biggest change here,for me,is to not throw my clothes on the floor or to let other things pile in.

I think week 4 is going to be the best yet!Stay tuned for tomorrows post..........

Are you happier today than you were yesterday?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Day 19 and 20

Day 19
Reaching in-
Are you feeling like Alice,stuck in wonder land?We are like the rabbit running around,feeling rushed,tired and possibly late for something.Alice is like our wants and desires,trying to catch up with us.Alice asks what are you late for?Your response "for a very important date".Why are we always in a rush?If we don't slow down and think about what we want a little,then we will ask ourselves I wonder if__________.The key to making our dreams fit into our door of life is to find ways to stretch our time until we find the solution.We may need to cut back here or there or ask others to help us so we don't stretch ourselves too far.
Today,look at your time and schedule some time to plan and make goals.Include what you really want.The next time you feel like the rabbit,late,tired,upset and burnt out;think before you jump in the hole!You can be like Alice lazily reading in the sunshine.
Reaching out-
Don't forget to write little love notes.You could put them all over their room.Have the kids write some too!Maybe they still need to write thank you cards from Christmas?
A great way to make your room more relaxing is to paint it in earthy tones.Different colors evoke different responses.

Day 20
Reaching in-
"The difference between a dreamer and a visionary is that a dreamer has his eyes closed and a visionary has his eyes open"

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

"I have a dream today."
Martin Luther King Jr.

As I think of this incredible faith and fight for freedom I am filled with conviction to fight for what I believe and for my children's welfare.We have been talking a lot about our dreams this week.Is there a cause you are passionate about?What about being a Mom? What would your freedom speech be?

There is a lot that changes when you have kids.There is so much to do and not enough time or money.There is a lot parents sacrifice.however I don't think parenthood was supposed to be all we do and no time for ourselves.

" Parenthood is overwhelming because no mother ever thinks she has enough time, help, training, money, or emotional support. This can leave moms feeling trapped, bored, resentful, depressed, irritable, or angry. All of these feelings are normal.

What can you do about them? Identify which parts of your "old life" you miss. Make a list and be very specific — write out "I miss spending time with my best friend" or "I miss staying up late and going out." Come up with as many things as you can and jot each one down, even those that seem silly to you, such as "I miss going out for pizza on Friday night."(Karen Kleiman,Is it normal to miss the freedom )

I have a dream Today!My challenge is just that,to make a list of things you miss and then make a way to do them.Find a way and not excuses.Even if this week has been mostly discovering what you want and making plans.

Reaching out-
Write to a family member about how your month has been and how you miss them.
Take a look at your room.Is there anything that might be causing stress or trouble sleeping?I have a bad habit of looking at my phone before bed.I have heard t.v and all electronics can disturb sleep.My lack of sleep is due to a little baby.:-)
How do you make your bedroom more restful?

Think before you jump into the hole.Being too busy can take its toll!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-week 3 Day 18

Day 18
Racing in-
Reaching for our dreams can feel like reaching for the stars.It seems so big and intimidating. Where do you start?It starts with a wish.What do you love?Why is it important to you?Where do you see yourself in a year, 2,5,and 10 years.As you think about you want you get "the ball moving".This means you have started to put your dream into motion.To start you just START!Get those dreams out of your head and make goals or steps to reach them.This is key to getting your head out of the clouds and day dreaming to the present and here and now!

I think we psyche ourselves out thinking our dreams our too high out of our reach but when we start we already start the climb and it doesn't seem so big and scary.

Reaching out-
Have you had fun writing notes to your kids and Spouse.I think it help you appreciate them and notice them more.It is special and we can find the time.If you have a hard time getting started, think about an event or something they have done that you are proud of.Another benefit of this lost art of writing is you have to slow down and take the time to really think.

It has been 3 days and neither myself or my hubby have thrown clothes on the floor!By Valentine's Day it should be a habit and very romantic, don't you think?
Do you use essential oils in your bedroom.Try chamomile,lavender or citrus(lemon or orange).

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reaching in Reaching out-week 3 Day 17

Day 17
Reaching in-
Did you do anything towards your dream today?This week we are taking action!If there is something you have been wanting to do.Now is the time.Over the last couple of days hopefully you know what you want and you are going for it!We talked about making a plan because of course life is life and you can't quit being a Mom or your job.Changing Careers is a big step!Whatever you chose and whatever your path I hope it is moving forward!Fear might try to creep in,but let it motivate you more that you are on the right path.

Fear is very real.When you were little maybe you were afraid of the dark or monsters under your bed.Now that you are older fear of failure can creep up on us like the boogie man.It can grip our heart strings or change how we see ourselves or what is before us.So how do we overcome fear.There is a show called fear factor where people have to do some intense stunts and scary challenges.These contestants look fear in the eye,sometimes literally! What I want you to do today is look your fear in the eye.Then factor in what your fear is and what is causing it.Are there triggers?Is it a new fear or have you felt this way for a while?Write your fear and one goal to overcome it.

For me I fear that I will never publish my books.One thing I want to do is make that phone call to get the ball rolling.

What are you going to do to chase your dreams.
Reaching out
I read this scripture today ....
D&C 64:33
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

I thought it fit perfectly with motherhood.It is the best thing we can be doing.Enjoy it!Make memories.Your kids will remember those little love notes you wrote.Write a letter today to give to them later on,if you chose,and tell them what you think they might need to know for the future.

I thought working on our bedrooms was a perfect companion to working on our dreams.We should have a place to relax and inspire us!How is your room looking now?Are the clothes creeping back in?Think about any bad habits you might have.It is so easy to toss our dirty clothes wherever and get into bed isn't it?Another one I am guilty of is when we are expecting company I toss all the odds an ends quickly into my room.So bad!According to feng shui ,clutter can block the flow of chi, lead to stagnation, disturb sleep and generally prevent things in your life from moving forward.The better my room is looking the better I feel but I have to kick those bad habits out the door!Hello Oasis and bye bye clutter!

Friday, January 17, 2014

File it Friday-It is good to end your week on a positive note!

File this week under:Learning to listen

First of all I would like to thank the little people for helping me this week.These little people are my kids!They really surprised me this week.My daughter cleaned a closet just because she wanted to!I am grateful to my husband who helped me clean,cook or whatever I needed.

I feel like as always I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted but I am sooooo sleep deprived!I need to find the motivation to clean.Three things I did accomplish was listening and playing with my kids more.I also had Scouts at my house and it was very successful.I was able to catch up on my laundry.I also organized a girls night,which I really needed!

Goals this week
1.Keep my room clean and schedule time to relax.
2.Work on writing for my book
3.Find ways to lower my grocery bill

What are your plans to make next week a better week?What will you file and remember it as?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 3 Day 16

"You only fail if you stop trying"

In this case instead of trying I want you to put dreaming.You only fail if you stop dreaming.A dream to me, is your heart speaking to you.Why don't we listen to our heart?I feel it is because we think because we are mothers or fathers we have to put everything on the back burner until the "right time".When is that exactly?We should live like the best is today!No more excuses or blaming people or circumstances. That's right! If you are living for today then yesterdays or the future don't exist.At least for the purpose of focusing on what you want to do for Today.A plan is good and preparing for the future also good.I am suggesting that living in the past and the future could be holding you back!Excuses such as I will wait until tomorrow or until I have more time.Do you feel like your chance has passed you by because of your age,money constraints or someone from your past who crushed your dream?
In high school I was in an art class which I loved!I was so excited at the end of the year to get all my art pieces back to treasure and show off.There was one piece that I worked on for months with using different techniques.I worked so hard on it!When I got my portfolio back it wasn't in there.I asked my teacher so anxious to see it again,and hold it.I still couldn't believe I had created it.Well she came back after looking  for a second and said it had been thrown away!What my prized piece?I felt a knot in my stomach.I was devastated!Then she told me it was ok,because it was crap anyway.Why didn't she just rip my heart out?I was crushed.My dance teacher in high school ripped me apart.After 11 years of dancing I gave up! That, and I needed to raise my grades.My whole life people have told me I couldn't do things because I was too small.It made me more determined!
"Your fingers are too small to play an instrument".......I play the piano and clarinet
"You can't play Soccer/basketball"I was great at defense.

Your past can ignite your passion or trample it.Ignite the fire inside and believe in yourself!If there is something in your past that is holding you back let it go!Live for the present.What you can do now!

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.”
― Alice Morse Earle

If you get a present don't you want to open it right away?It is hard to wait.Waiting to open our gift is like you are stuck where you are.Find out what is keeping you stuck?It is hard to not allow ourselves time to do what we want.By opening our present today what will we find?A SURPRISE!You have waited long enough!As you unwrap it imagine throwing away the wrapping.Throw away the negative from the past.Throw away the hurt and look inside your present.It is your dream.How does it feel to hold it and see it.Imagine it.Feel it.It can be real!
Take 15 minutes and START!Write down what you need to do.Do you need to change jobs?Do you need to start saving money?Maybe go back to school or start your own business?Maybe start a new hobby again?You have 15 minutes right?

Take all steps.An infant usually crawls before they walk.The whole process they fall down too!It is ok to start small.The main thing is you do a little bit each day toward your goal.

What I did.I just wrote until I couldn't think any more.I made a goal to have my book ready to publish by Spring.I need to look at where to go to find an agent and how to submit my book.I think to practice I want to bind it myself!

Reaching out-
I thought it would be fun to write a note on my babies diaper to my husband.When he changes the diaper there it is!What are ways you write notes to your kids or spouse?

To give your room more of a relaxing feel,bring in a little of nature.You can bring in a fountain,plant or flower.Think about the little touches to add to your room.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Letter C for clock,time and season-baby and preschool lesson

Scripture:Matthew 6:33
 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Nursery Rhyme:Hickory Dickory Dock

We did some practice telling time.I am just getting him used to it.We practiced C and numbers.

We sang days of the week song.We also talked about weeks,months and year.During the year we have 4 seasons.I divided a page into 4 squares.I had my preschooler draw each season.He wanted to play with his cars so I took a box and construction paper and made a race track with the 4 seasons represented.It turned out pretty cute and the best part is that it was easy!

Dramatic play
We even did some dramatic play with these little animals we have.We could talk about it being hot or cold or hibernation.

We even dressed up a frog in appropriate clothes.I would name a season and then my Preschooler would dress up the frog

My daughter(First grader) had more fun with this.
For baby and up-I named the item of clothing.For example Red shirt.He was mesmerized and loved touching the different textures.My baby is almost a toddler!

Reaching in and Reaching out-week 3 Day 15

I saw this picture on Facebook.Credit goes to ?

Reaching in:
It has been a great journey so far and I have learned a lot.I hope we are all feeling good and relaxed because this next week we are going to be asking some tough questions and taking a giant leap toward our dreams.That is right,just because we are adults doesn't mean we stop dreaming.If there is something holding you back;then you have a mental block.This week I hope we can identify and get over these mental blocks.

Whether we know it or not our mind creates mental road blocks.It can stop us in our tracks like a stop sign.Maybe it is more like a u-turn.Oops can't go there!Sometimes I see a lot of mental caution signs with reflectors and everything!We get stuck or scared to try.Here are just a few roadblocks we might face in anything but especially our dreams.

1.Make excuses or blame other people why your life isn't the way you want.
2.Self doubt-You tell yourself "I can't" because....
4Stuck in wonder land.I wonder what it would take to do____
5.Don't know where to start!

TODAY we get to just dream.Get a journal or a notepad and just start writing.Ask yourself,What do I love?What have I put on hold?What would I be doing if I had no restrictions?These questions should open the "floodgates" to endless possibility.Whatever your heart desires write it down!We will get to how and when later.Pray for help and guidance to make these dreams a reality!It is only God who can put us on the right path.

Tomorrow we jump in to our dreams with both feet!
Excited?I am!!

Each day I will talk about one if the above mentioned roadblocks.This week we will find out why we are stuck.Make goals and don't worry if they are big.Once you get what you want to do  then break it down into smaller goals and much more...

My dream is to write children's book or any book really.I love to write!I am not going to worry if is successfully published or not I just want to write!I think I might make one for my 3 oldest kids?Maybe?

What is your dream?Share if you want to and brighten or lighten someones day!


Reaching out:
Write love notes to kids and husband this week.I picked this because it is a simple way to show someone love and kindness!There are many printable lunch box notes you can use,or write your own!

Make your bedroom an Oasis.Break out the candles and soft music!My room is always so full of clothes and stuff that I can never just relax in there!Today's challenge is to clear out the clutter.Pick up the clothes,take anything out of there that should not be.Also clear nightstand,dresser and make the bed!Then I will discuss ways to make it more relaxing and not just a place you keep your bed to fall into every night!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 2 Day 14

Reaching in
How has your week been?Have you been running yourself into the ground?I wish I could catch up on sleep!Do you recognize when your body is telling you to get some shut eye?I feel sluggish or my eyes ache.If I am easily frustrated or do something absent mindedly, like put sour cream in the freezer or wonder where my phone is while I am talking on it;then I have surpassed when just a little nap will help.I need a 2 day break.If it is in the middle of the week I might see if a friend or family member can watch the kids.When my husband gets home then I either leave the house or take a nap.If I can't do either I may just go to bed early.If it is the weekend ,my hubby is home and we can take turns.

The trick is not letting it get to the point where I am yanking and yanking on the stores door when I need to push!This week hopefully you have figured out some triggers.For example,not eating and drinking plenty,not getting enough sleep,lack of exercise(you should exercise and get some sun at least 30 minutes per day),and crankiness.This means you should slow down maybe take the day off from the norm or do something relaxing to prevent a blow up of any sort.Don't forget to get ready for the day.Enjoy your beauty!You don't have to stay in sweats all day.Which now that it is noon I should change out of!lol
See more pictures of our Spa day we did a little bit ago.

You cannot be nurturing to others if you don't take care of yourself.You do not need to feel guilty for this.You will be more energetic,happy and ready for almost anything.A dull knife is not as useful as a sharp one!

Reaching out
A few names came to my mind today of neighbors or friends.I decided to think about them and pray for them today.Those days where I wonder how I made it,was I could feel the love and prayers and the Lord was there.

Don't forget to listen to your husband and kids!We have a tradition at dinner to talk about our best and worse of the day.Lately we have been talking about how Christ is in our day.Mealtime is a great time to teach and also to be taught.It is a time to notice and enjoy our kids!

I did some more work in the kitchen.I am getting excited for this weekend!I will hopefully have some color on those outdated cabinets of mine!

Oh yes,and my plants are still doing great!I caught my oldest watering the plants,which had recently been watered recently!Too funny!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 2 Day 12 and 13

You don't have to look to hard to find your treasure!
Day 12
I am learning so much this week!It just makes me giddy!It is like I am on a treasure hunt and I am uncovering little jewels each day.Who doesn't like treasure hunts.There is anticipation,excitement,and mystery.There are at least 3 I want to mention.

First jewel,is YOU!I hope you are figuring out what makes you happy,what you need.You need to know it is okay to take the pressure off yourself and take away the guilt.There are so many facets to you!

Second jewel, I found just by looking and listening to all that is around me.I found that things could sparkle again!My kids have so much sparkle and personality.Their laughs and smiles.I love to watch them playing together!Nature is beautiful and cold.brrrrrr

Third jewel, is time.Time for you.Schedule it and make it happen.You may need a break weekly or daily.Think about what works best and write it down on a calendar.I have found that once a day at home is my cup of tea!If I can,I like to go out once a week too.

Treasure you time,yourself and your family!

Reaching out-
I really have been trying to be more present for my kids.I really love listening to them.This is especially true when they ask "Mommy can you play with me"I just smile and tell them ok or after I finish these couple of dishes.Then I ask if they want to help.The baby just wants to climb in the dishwasher.

Day 13
I am feeling blah again today.Maybe because I have not been getting enough sleep or haven't felt like doing my make up. It could be this blasted weather.I also woke up late because I was up all night with the baby and have a kink in my neck.

Have I remembered to breathe?Yes.My timer is still going off so it makes me stop.I didn't really get a chance to just listen to my kids this morning.I was too stressed because we were late:(
I hope I didn't raise my voice too much!Mrs.Crabby pants,that's me!

I heard somewhere that it takes 3 positives to counteract 1 negative.So if I look at my day, which started out not so great I have at least 6 or 7 negative occurrences or thoughts.Does that mean my day is ruined?

No!You keep moving forward, but keep in mind that you might be more crabby certain days,so guard yourself, and watch your thoughts!

That means I need 21 positives........yikes!

1)I did get on the floor and play with my youngsters!2)I did clear dishes and counter space,after I spent time with kids first!3)Good prioritizing?Yes!4)I did find time to stretch and breathe!5)Folded laundry.6)Texted my hubby to see how his day was.7)Now I am thinking about 3 friends to text to see how they are doing?That makes me feel better!8)My preschooler has been in a good mood9)Nap time is going well.10)I prayed and read my scriptures.11)I am holding my baby who is so precious.12)As I am doing this my negative thoughts and stress are melting away.(I wish the snow would too!)13)looking outside to see if I can see any deer or birds.It is beautiful!14)I am happy to be warm inside.15)writing makes me happy and a little less CraZy :-P 16)Only 5 more positives to go17)baby is breathing great18)My oldest just called me from school so I got to talk to him and tell him I love him19)I had a healthy lunch20)my preschooler is eating better21)I am getting to have a rest right now

Whew!That was a lot but my mood is better and there are a lot of things to be positive about and happy!It is like food for the soul.Of course I did this to show that the way you think is very powerful.You can change bad day just by how you choose to think if it.That is power.Your mind can do amazing things.Listen to it.Even if it starts out with negative thoughts.That is just a starting point.It is ok to be real with your emotions.You just don't want it to drag you down or dwell on it. Learning to rest and slow down is a matter of training your mind!That starts with you feeling ok about it.No guilt right?You can do it!

Get back to nature
It was sunny today so I picked up the kids and took them to the park.I brought a notebook or journal.You could also bring a magazine. Just relax and soak up some vitamin D!

Reaching out
I offered to pick up some groceries for a sick mommy and her kids.It is still hard with a sick baby and Mommy!

There is a plan for this Friday to start sanding and painting.I am nervous to change the color but I think it will look great.I have also been working on a few little de-cluttering ideas and am excited to try it!

How is your week started?Do you already need a course correction.Have you helped anyone today?

Are you happier today than you were yesterday?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 2 Day 11

Listen up!
Day 11
This has been a great morning so far.I read and meditated.We went over our goals from last week as a family.Last week we worked on getting everything together at night.We thought we did pretty good in that one.The kid came up with a new goal if having more family time.To accomplish this the kids want to help more with the kitchen clean up!It is a dream of mine not to have to clean the kitchen alone!

 I tried to be mindful.When I was playing with the kids I was there.I was not thinking about what I had to do next.Occasionally I had to pull a lego out of the babies mouth.Ughhhh I love legos for my boy's imaginations but good golly they are a chocking hazard!But you did not come here to hear me rant about legos did you?Is it possible to do  EVERYTHING mindfully.I am testing this with checking in with myself to see how I am doing.To be mindful is to focus on whatever you are doing and keep your focus.Bring your thoughts to that moment.

I wanted to talk more about being present in the moment and Meditation.You may ask yourself,why should I meditate?It is calming,it brings your mind back to where you want it.It has really helped me not raise my voice at my kids which is really working against yourself!I am learning from this week that I can find more silent moments than I thought.I use what time I have, and stopping every hour to breathe deeply I can think about where I want to go or if I have had enough for the day.Around 4 p.m. I usually have!It is like you are checking in with yourself to keep your emotions in check.

I am going to try this Transform-Stress-in-30-Days-with-One-Moment-Meditation to go with my deep breathing. Each day is a different exercise!These exercises go along with what I have been saying about just taking a few deep breaths and to mindful of these breaths.These exercises just take it a step further!

The creator of this challenge Martin Boroson said about this particular exercises  "It helps people who want to meditate but are having trouble getting started. It helps people who have tried to meditate, but concluded that they "couldn't do it." It even helps mediators integrate meditation into their everyday lives. And, of course, it helps people who think they're too busy to meditate—even the busiest people have a moment to spare."

Here is some more to try to bring peace into your life!Be more mindful in all you do.To get started:

I love this method of solitude or......

Try this simple meditation if you are just beginning to try meditation and yet another short meditation.These are great!

Here is two more!Try this opening heart meditation or this kindness meditation

I fell in love with these calm-parenting-mantras

Reaching out-
Yesterday I talked about listening to your kids.This requires you to get to eye level,put down whatever or turn it off.I want to give them my full attention!I found yet another great article 6 words you should say today.It was an inspirational read.The gist is this.As parents we tend to over correct or say to much but all you really need to say is I love to watch you________I love to watch you play together or I love to watch you dance.In this article it is suggested that this phrase takes the pressure off of them and they feel relaxed and happy.Do you really notice your kids and how they have changed and growing?Look at them,listen and be close to them!There has been a lot of fighting between siblings and so tonight we talked about what we loved most about each person!My heart is full!

I have a dream that I will get to painting my kitchen but I am working towards it.It is just that the mounds of laundry and playing with my kids came first today!

Let me end with a question to think about:
Are you happier today than you were yesterday?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 2 Days 9-10

This week I am learning to listen to my body.I hope to journal the experience to better understand where I need to slow down.I hope to include moments when I felt stress and how I responded.Some stress is good like excitement or being scared because you are trying something new.It is when you are under stress constantly that you work against yourself.Parents do this too much to themselves!I also will stop what I am doing as close to every hour as I can to take deep breaths.At this time I want to feel how my body is.Is it tense do I need to do more to relax it?I hope it helps!I am doing this for you guys too!You might get a better insight into my psyche....scary ?hee hee

Day 9
7am-Scripture and prayer.What is my body telling me?Go back to bed. This cold is taking a lot out of me!So I lay there stretching and playing with my baby.It gets me up though feeling ready for food.I am always ready for food!:)
8am-Had to lower morning stress by taking deep breaths.I see the snow as I start my car.Some more deep breaths and and a prayer with my kids to be safe.Still stressed but hopefully when I get home that will help!
9-Driving in the snow makes me stressed.I got home OK but I am definitely taking some time to read some inspiration and listen to the silence and my sweet baby breathe as he falls asleep.I meditate.....
10-Fell asleep and feel a little better!I slowly came out of sleep when my alarm went off.I am feeling like I should get up and stretch,drink and eat something.I am taking a few more breaths and then getting up
1-It has been a while since I checked in.Feeling pretty good.Had some lunch after running a. errand.I got lost which usually stresses me out but I was pretty calm.After I got home and stretched.My body is very tight today so a lot of stretching has been necessary.Normally I wouldn't even think to do that.Mealtimes can be so chaotic because everyone needs something.I cleaned up and straightened the house.Going to read some more and maybe take another nap!I think yoga would also help with this draining I am feeling.
2-Deep breaths.I am more than halfway through my day.Taking time to listen to your body means you have to slow down,think.I still have things to do,lots of them but I am not feeling frantic.I set a timer to know when it is time to go so I won't be late.If something pops into my head I write it down.Planning my day also has really helped.I needed to go to the store but I can't take my baby out because he has rsv so I called a neighbor to see if they had one.They did!Yay to less stress!

3-The snow is really coming down right now and it worries me to go out in it again but it is really beautiful and I am enjoying watching it fall for now!I got my exercise in for today shoveling all that snow!It gave me a pretty good headache too!
5:30-Just finished cleaning up a toilet overflow but I wasn't too upset surprisingly.I took a couple of deep breaths and cleaned it up!
7-8:30-I was very busy with pack meeting but I took all the kids except the baby so my husband could have a break!Didn't really stop or breathe deeply.

9-I need to work more on my night time routine.We have been doing great with getting things ready for the morning!However keeping them in their bed is another matter!Lately a few of my monkeys are put in their beds by 8 but they get out or play in their bed until 10!

10:30-Fell into bed.The end!

Reaching out-
In return for this neighbor helping me I will bring her dinner tonight.Yummy!
In her recent article 4-resolutions-every-mom-should-make I like how Edie says“neighbors” who live in our house.She then lists 4 ways to serve your family.I agree with her 100% that one of the most important things you can do for your kids is listen to them!So 1.Listen to them
2show kindness when it’s hard
3.laugh more with my family
4. inspire don’t demand

I want to get my kitchen painted so I am cleaning out my baking center so we can sand the doors and paint them!Being sick has slowed me down a little but I am determined!

Day 10
I woke up before my kids today so I had time to slowly wake up,stretch and read.I am remembering to breathe but not as well as yesterday!
I didn't journal as much today,but I tried to do similar things.
Little breaks during the day really helped!I think that you will find yourself running around trying to get everything in the world done you are running in emergency or stress mode and it is not good!This challenge this week should help you understand how much stress you are actually feeling and how often we ignore what our bodies are trying to tell us! You may not realize how fast stress comes and what it is doing to you!
If things are out of control right now,your house,money,sleep,and kids.Slowing down and thinking about what is important should start to bring things into perspective.Take one area and one day at a time and check back in with yourself to see how you are doing!

I am also learning how to calm myself down so if there is either an overflowing toilet or overflowing demands on my time my emotions won't get the best of me!I am a worrier by nature.To not worry and keep a positive attitude are my biggest protectors against overreacting and staying in control!

Common external causes of stress
Major life changes
Relationship difficulties
Financial problems
Being too busy
Children and family

Common internal causes of stress
Stress can also be self-generated:
Chronic worry
Negative self-talk
Unrealistic expectations/Perfectionism
Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
All-or-nothing attitude
Here is where I got the above list and more helpful tips on reducing stress!

Reaching out-
I listened to my children,stopped cooking or looking at my phone.After all they are our closest neighbors!

We should be ready to do some of the lower part of our kitchen;sanding and painting!

Are you buried by being too busy?

Break free with me and slow down!

Don't forget to:

Listen to nature
Listen to music or create your own
Listen to deep breaths as you meditate or do some yoga
Listen to the silence and let your heart hear uplifting words to feed your spiritual appetite
Listen to your child ask"Can you play with me?"
Resist multi tasking and trying to do "one more thing"

Thursday, January 9, 2014

C is for clock-Infant and preschool lessons

Scripture:Matthew 6:33
 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

We must use our time wisely.Each day can be filled with activities. Jesus taught about priorities in the Sermon of the Mount.
Letter: C

Nursery rhyme:Hickory dickory dock.This version includes different animals,actions and ASL signs to use.

Activity:Introduce a clock.What is it used for?Count the numbers on it.We have a plastic clock so the boys had fun playing with it.

♫ Hickory dickory dock. [Clap your hands.]
The mouse went up the clock. [Mouse gesture.]
The clock struck one. [Hold up one finger.]
The mouse went down. [Mouse gesture.]
Hickory dickory dock. [Clap your hands.]
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. [Clock gesture.]
A snake.
Hickory dickory dock.
The snake went up the clock. [Snake gesture.]
The clock struck two. [Count to two with your fingers.]
The snake went down. [Snake gesture.]
Hickory dickory dock.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
A squirrel.
Hickory dickory dock.
The squirrel went up the clock. [Squirrel gesture.]
The clock struck three. [Count to three with your fingers.]
The squirrel went down. [Squirrel gesture.]
Hickory dickory dock.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
A cat.
Hickory dickory dock.
The cat went up the clock. [Cat gesture.]
The clock struck four. [Count to four with your fingers.]
The cat went down. [Cat gesture.]
Hickory dickory dock.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
A monkey.
Hickory dickory dock.
The monkey went up the clock. [Monkey gesture.]
The clock struck five. [Count to five with your fingers.]
The monkey went down. [Monkey gesture.]
Hickory dickory dock.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
An elephant?! Oh no!
Hickory dickory dock
The elephant went up the clock. [Elephant gesture.]
Oh no! [Fall down.]
Hickory dickory dock. ♫

Music and movement:
Sing Hickory Dickory Dock using this YouTube video and activity

For 6 month-preschool-
1.Learn and practice mouse in ASL.
2Get pots and pans with spoons to bang on when you hear the clock chime.Each animal has a different number the clock chime.This is a good practice for counting.
3.Make the sound of the animals and click your tongue like a clock.Tick tock!

4.Make mouse with construction paper or a finger puppet with fleece.The kids will 
 love watching it go up and down the clock,or doing it themselves.
5.See if you can beat the clock.Try different tasks like getting dressed, putting their shoes on,picking up their toys

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reaching in and reaching out-Week 2

Week 2
Reaching in:
Do not work against yourself-rest more,reflect,pamper yourself
Have you ever pushed on a door to get inside a store only to read in big letters PULL.I have!When we push and push ourselves until our breaking point,we are working against ourselves.We work instead of rest.We keep ourselves busy instead of reflecting.We are caught up in a fast paced world when our bodies are saying slow down.If only we had our own STOP signs to help us know when we should stop and listen....
Listen to nature
Listen to music or create your own
Listen to deep breaths as you meditate or do some yoga
Listen to the silence and let your heart hear uplifting words to feed your spiritual appetite
Listen to your child ask"Can you play with me?"
Resist multi tasking and trying to do "one more thing"

My hope this week is to STOP when I first wake up in the morning and every night to plan to be still.After every hour I will stop and recognize my breath and stop and think about my day so far.How am I feeing?What is my body telling me.I want to notice if I am tense or stressed.What am I thinking?Who am I or am I lost somehow?What will all of rest and reflecting do?Bring is to awareness.Our body,mind and spirit are connected.They are the best of friends.They communicate all the time with eachother.If you let stress,overworking,overtired or anger come into this circle of friendship mind,body and spirit aren't happy and they are confused.Awareness is the key.I am hoping that when our body is running low on energy we can respond by repenishing what it needs.Our body needs sleep,nourishment,physical activity,communication and getting back to nature.I am slowing things down and breathing in the stillness to listen and act on what I feel.This will be chalenging and if you are at work trying to do this take a quick break stretch your legs breathe deeply and get back to work.Maybe you have been working to hard and could use a vacation day.This will be different for all of us!

Great mantra: I can, I must, I will!
Reaching out:
Do something for nieghbor or anyone who comes to your mind.In stollen moments of stillness see whose name(s) pop into your head.Just feel it!Then without worrying if you havr the time act on it!

Pick something on your project list that you have been wanting to do.There has got to be something you have been wanting to but keep putting it off for some reason or another.Well I am giving you a push to do it or make more definitive plans.If you haven't made a list yet here is how you do it.Walk into a room and define what you want to use it for and think of any changes you want to make.Do this to each room.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Reaching in and reaching out-Week 1 days 5-7

Day 5
Just like I promised here are our new plants!We got a Peace Lilly

 and a Red Aglaonema.
Just look at those colors!This has been something my husband and I could do together.He is very excited about it!Also Studies show that being around foliage or colorful blooms relieves stress, soothes sadness and increases calmness.

I decided to have a quote or something nearby to inspire me.I am putting it on my meal planner.So this weeks is by President Lorenzo Snow, the fifth prophet of our dispensation, taught, 
“It is our duty to try to be perfect, … to improve each day, and look upon our course last week and do things better this week; do things better today than we did them yesterday.”So the first step to becoming meek is to improve day by day. Each day we need to try to be better than the previous as we move forward through this process."

Day 6
Reaching in-Today I did some Zoomba and met some new people.I get to shake it with these fun wraps that jingle!What fun!Plus it gave me a boost of energy!

I remembered to wake up and put on my make up.I styled my hair ,a little hair gel and scrunch scrunch I felt pretty good!I have been neglecting this side of me for so long!

Reaching out-My husband and I talked about how we can spend some more time together and spend more time with the kids.There is no perfect formula for doing this but to schedule it.So we are going to do a weekly date at home or out.We are also going to take one kid out each month.There is no better way to reach out.Service,and being kind and considerate should abound in the home.
I also called or texted some friends to tell them I was thinking about them and what I like about them!
Day 7
Today was a little tough.When it is cold and the sun doesn't shine I lose motivation.I think it is important on this journey to let you guys know I am not perfect and I have bad days,where everything is a struggle.I keep trying though! I spent a lot of my time with my 2 youngest boys.We read books,played with blocks and of course cars!I kind of took a back step on doing my hair and getting dressed in something other than a T-shirt.I did rest though and since I came down with a cold this week I delegated dinner and made a phone call to my family who live in a different state.It was difficult because I lost my voice.They just got back from a trip and the airline lost their luggage so they win!

Week one's challenge has been tough to do.It is hard to put yourself first but you want to feel great and enjoy things too!You don't want to feel pulled at and torn like my poor new peace Lilly,when it met my crawling and curious baby!We are really loving our new plant!

What have you been doing with this challenge.Please share and brighten mine and other people's day!

We start week 2 Tomorrow! Check out the introduction page if you just started or want to look back and see what each week is all about!