Next is our Apple tree activity.Trace circles and color apples Red. I got this activity from

Five red apples finger play ”*.
“Five red Apples
Hanging on a tree (hold five fingers up)
The juiciest apples you ever did see!
The wind came past
And gave an angry frown (shake head and look
And one little apple came tumbling down (fold
one finger down)”.
Continue with four red apples until there are
none. Apple finger puppets may optionally be used.
Story time:Where is the Apple Pie by Valeri Gorabachev

Guess what the snack is? Apples! Cut inside the apple and talk about what you see inside.
Awesome apple craft!
A second Story: Circle Dogs.By Kevin Henkes
Have them make play-doh circles on the dog.Don"t forget to count the circles.Awesome apple craft!

A second Story: Circle Dogs.By Kevin Henkes

I printed the play-doh mat from