Thursday, February 21, 2019

What is stress doing to moms?

Hi! It has been a long time since I have written here. I have missed it! I have been writing.....just not here. I have been writing a book!

Its been pretty exciting since October. I have always wanted to write a book, but it was so overwhelming, like everything else felt like in my life. So...I wrote....but not like I have been these past few months. It is almost done and ready to go to editing. I am super scared because I have never been this close to success. I am so close!!

But in full confidence, I have only recently been building myself back up from what felt like my rock bottom. I started this blog as a way to help me find myself again, to find happiness in depression, anxiety and fibromyalgia. That is why it is called moms happiness blueprint.

Guess what?! I am happy despite that I still have depression, anxiety and fibromyalgia. I have rough days and weeks but I am not knocked down by them, like I was before. No I get back up brush off the yuck and stuck and I try again. In fact, the last 4 years have been really hard because the list of foods I can eat are just a few. I eat the same thing every day. No variety. No sugar. Yet things stay the same.

 I have not stayed the same though. I have changed... and for the better.

I still struggle with a messy house, my ADD brain and my illness. My 4 little leaders in training give me a run for my money. But, I recuperate faster and nothing keeps me down for long.

 I struggle with technology and how to get out there, not for fame, but to share and prevent moms from burning out. I mean you literally see the light go out of the eyes of a mom who is exhausted and been hanging on for so long. Stress happens but burnout is optional. That downward spiral in our mind, body and spirit is optional. We do not need to loose ourselves in motherhood. I see it all the time. Mothers who because of their health or difficult behaviors in their children are not enjoying motherhood and think they are doing something wrong. It breaks my heart and.......its PREVENTABLE!

Basically I have been putting off really helping moms navigate chronic stress like I do everyday. I am still figuring things out. That list of figuring it out is long. So is the list of tools and coping skills I have now. I have been able to take back my time and energy and break the tie to what I get done. Some days I just can't unless I want to crash and put myself into a flare. Illness had made me look at my priorities and do things differently. I like myself a lot more and the little people in my life. I love being an entrepreneur. It stretches me in ways I never thought possible. It is hard.

So why do I do it when I am sick and dealing with really stressful things?

Why not? I would be selfish if I didn't share what I know and help as many woman as I can. I can do this even if I am still struggling with stressful things. If we are strong and resilient moms then our kids will be too. There are a lot of things in a culture that are not good and busy, is one of them. We can stop it with our kids. They will do what we do they are watching us run around being stressed and busy. They feel less connected and less listened to so they are acting out more and turning to screens. But us moms, we can be the change.

I am talking about a movement from stress to time and energy freedom. I want to create a community and resources for busy moms like you to do this without all the guilt and being affected by stress.

There is no forward movement when we are stressed. For a year all I did was dig into my past, my thought patterns and learn what my triggers were. I really got to know myself and how hard I had been on myself since I was a child. No wonder I am sick. My body, mind and spirit are exhausted with me. Seriously! I put my OWN self through it. I didn't know that though. I do now and that is another reason why I want to share my story and light the way for others too, especially my children.

Eventually my website will be ready and I will move there. But I promise to not be so neglectful. I promise to be honest. I think writing on here will help me stay accountable and keep me focused, because hello....squirrel! Does anyone else need that? This year is my year to conquer the clutter and the fear of getting out there when I am still trying to figure things out.

Where are you starting from? Share. I would love to know. We can take this journey together. Start where you are. Its okay. Things can change. You can change. You can be the change.