Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why do bees itch?

We are continuing our to learn about bees.Here is a really simple craft that I did.You need a yellow and black construction paper.You cut out a small circle and a larger oval.That is the bees head and body.With the black paper cut out a triangle for the stinger and strips of black paper to be the stripes of the bees.Then I had them glue on the stripes and stinger.We put googly eyes and pipe cleaners for the the antenna.So cute!

We also did some more practice with letters.I had Lex roll a dice and whatever number I would count the letters and have her practice writing that letter.For example she rolled a 2 so A,B.We would practice b then she rolled a 4 so I would start at B and count 3 more letters.Next is the letter E.

For snack we had yogurt with straws.I made a flower out of cupcake liner.I saw how to make a flower out of cup cake liners on Studio 5.So the kids drank their nectar.

We went to story time at the library.

Answer:They have hives

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