Thursday, May 22, 2014

3 ways to get outside more often for May 19th-31 days of May-keovees

Today's assignment:
Get outside as much as you can!I am still transitioning from my hibernation during the winter.My body dislikes both the extreme cold and heat.Due to this fact I don't get out as much as I should!I also don't go out because the baby puts everything in his mouth or might crawl through dog doo in our backyard.Now that it is warming up,you need to remember to drink more water.

Here are my 3 sure fire ways to go outside more often.

1.Go for a walk-One way I have more success is going for a walk after I drop the kids off at school.Find some friends who will get you out of the house.

2.Schedule it in-Have your kids ever complained that recess is never long enough?Well,I agree!If you want happy and tired kids let them play outside.Plan at least 2 hours a day outside.Not sure how?Schedule picnics,or outings at the park.Mix it up!A lot of activities you do inside can be done outside!One of my favorites is yoga.On the days my husband is home,this is one I should try!

3-Small doses-Start small and work your way up to more time!Gardening in the morning and late afternoon is a great way to get outside.

Here are a few more ways to to get outside more often.

Sorry I am playing catch up.I have had 2 migraines this week and it was the last week of school for the kids!Keep checking my blog for my summer of sucess plan!Yes,a lot of it will be outside! :-)

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