Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Value of the week-6 Be's

For those of you who don"t know what the 6 bes are.President Gordon B.Hinkley, Prophet of the Curch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.He gave a talk about the 6 be's.
  1. Be Grateful.
  2. Be Smart
  3. Be Clean
  4. Be True
  5. Be Humble
  6. Be Humble
We gave the children each bookmark with them on it.We are focussing on being grateful. We all have the choice to be happy or the opposite.Kids can be grateful for what they get and don't throw a fit. That is a saying in our house. It seems like kids today have so much that don't know how to appreciate it. Please and thank you which once was expected and revered are now replaced by so called"attitude" and bratiness.What do you do at home to help them be gratetful for what they have? I always catch myself now what do you say? We have to strive more than ever as parents,educators and friends to teach children at home so when they go out of our home and are faced with peer descions they were taught and they know what to do.Don't just give them a time out, talk to them about what was wrong and give them case senarios.What do you do when somone opens the door or brings you something.You say thank you. How can you show someone you are thankful? You love and do a service for them or a just because.I like to do a month of writing down all that we are grateful for during Thaksgiving but we will be doin it this month too!

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