Thursday, August 29, 2013

Great gobs of googly fun with letter G

Scripture:John 17:3
  3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
We are working on praying to know God better.I found this article How to seek and know the father and the son It talks about the pattern to learn of God.

• Cultivate a diligent desire to know that God lives.
• This desire leads us to ponder on the things of heaven—to let the evidence of God all around us touch our hearts.
• With softened hearts we are prepared to heed the Savior’s call to “search the scriptures” (John 5:39) and to humbly learn from them.
• We are then ready to ask our Heavenly Father sincerely, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, if the things we have learned are true. Most of us will not see God, as the prophets have, but the still, small promptings of the Spirit—the thoughts and feelings that the Holy Ghost brings into our minds and hearts—will give us an undeniable knowledge that He lives and that He loves us.

Snack and Fine motor:build G or whatever they want with grapes and you get to eat them.I also had him count the grapes.

 Gross Motor:Run around.Ready!Set Go!Go starts with G.The baby got so excited watching his big brother run around

 G for gas.Ran out of gas.He had to fill up his tank
 G for grasshopper.He jumped around like a grasshopper
 Alligator doesn't start with g but he is green and hungry.Watch out T-bone!
 This little grasshopper hitched a ride with us yesterday.He/she even survived the freeway!

Nature:We went on a walk to collect grass for our rectangle.Then we glued on the grass.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to make a spider web

Scripture: John 17:3
  3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

G for God.

How can we know him?This is what we are talking about this week.We finished up letter U.Tomorrow we start letter G.

Letter:U and G
Nursery Rhyme:Itsy bitsy spider and Ants go marching

Facts about spiders
1.Spiders have 8 legs
2.Spiders make webs
3.Spiders eat Insects

Craft and fine motor:Make spider webs
You will need cardboard and yarn.I used sewing thread.1.Cut cardboard into a circle then cut a hole in the middle.2Thread yarn through and wrap around cardboard.The kids can use different colors.Of course you have to add spiders.We used pom poms and scraps of paper.My 3 year old really is loving to cut things.The thread is a good sensory experience for the baby to touch.Of course watch young children closely around string.

For snack we had bug eyes(apples cut into circles)

Friday, August 23, 2013

What happened to this week?

This week has been craZy! We have had car trouble, house trouble,a unexpected passing if someone,and waiting to hear about a diagnosis for my family member whose toes kept turning black.That is not all either!What? When the trials come they pour!

We have been trying to do school but have not been home.We did visit and do some service for those of my friends and family who needed it.I had the chance to talk to my kids about service.Some learning did happen! My 3 yr old recognized the letter B when I asked him to find it in a book title! Sooooo excited!

Next week we will finish letter U and start G.

Today I spent holding my very grumpy, but cute baby,who got his immunization shots today.Soooo sad.:(

Who else had a week like mine?
Here is my Preschooler working on the car with Dad.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ug a bug and letter U

Scripture:  1 Samuel 16:7-

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Letter: U
Shape:Oval & circle
Nursery Rhyme:Itsy Bitsy Spider and finger play for the baby.We also sang other songs and are working on talking about what we are doing when we get dressed and what the item of clothing is.He can roll and push with his feet to get what he wants so I put toys just out of his reach.The sign for Asl we are working on is milk.He is also trying to clap,so I clap to tje music.

We read color bugs reader.Since we have been talking about bugs last week and this week,we did fingerprint bugs on the letter U.My son lost interest and wanted to move on to stickers.

We also read Because a little bug went katchoo,by Rossetta Stone.

Journal:make a bug from a circle
Fine motor:Tear paper to put on it.

 The lesson ended with a yoga adventure with Enzo the bee

Monday, August 19, 2013

Meditation Monday

This week I will really have to be very conscious of my stress level.We have had so many issues with our car and things breaking in the house.It is really is hard to think positively or keep any kind of order in my home,but here it goes!

We really have so much to be thankful for. We have food,roof over our heads,great and healthy kids.Just to name a few!I am counting my blessings not the last few hours of my sanity.I really try to be strong for my family so they don't see that I am worried.Am I burying it deep and stressing without my knowledge? Have I become used to stress? How do you handle stress?

I saw this really great mmeditation you can do and I tried it today, and loved it!This meditation really calmed me right down.What you do is press your fingers to your thumb one at time and each new time is a new saying
I am ready
I am steady
I am clear
I face fear
Repeat 11 times....

I hope you enjoy and check these guys out on Facebook .They have lots of goodies and exercises!

Join us this week for some buggy yoga fun and,Take back your Turf Thursday!

Until next time...breathe, relax and be calm.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Preschool and baby lesson about bugs

Devotional: Alma 38:12
See that ye bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love; see that ye refrain from idleness.

"One part of us seems to want to “let go” and express our emotions or appetites; another part wants to exert control over our emotions and appetites. The controlling, restraining influence is exerted by our spirit."

Explain that you are going to try an experiment in self-discipline. Ask each young woman to move her right hand in a circle, then to move her left foot back and forth, then to move her head up and down. Now ask each of them to sit very quietly and concentrate on anything except what you are going to describe to them. Then describe in detail a delicious food or dessert.

•Which was harder, telling your hand or foot what to do, or telling your thoughts and emotions what to do?
The above quote,activity and the rest of the lesson can be found  here

Nursery Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Spider

Things that bug me:
How to talk about your emotions.I had him show me his best face for happy,sad,mad,surprised and for extra fun we did a silly face.Actually he could only do the first 2 then the rest were silly! We looked in the mirror so we could see the faces we made.Next we drew different faces on the mirror.The baby had fun looking in the mirror.I would say something like the baby is happy he is smiling! He didn't like it when I made a sad face.That just shows how in tune babies are to our feelings!

We read some books about bugs and emotions!Score for the Mommy!
In Winnie the Pooh and the honey tree there are very expressive pictures of Pooh bear.The story is all about trying to get some honey.He thinks he can trick the bees to steal some honey.I would ask my son if he was showing a certain emotion.He would tell me what he thought was happening in the pictures.

Gross motor:We did a bug hunt.He is ready to go!
 Here is a spider web.We saw many of those *shudder*.We saw butterflies,dragonflies,wasps,caterpillar.My preschooler kept saying "don't kill them he's my friend."
 We even heard and saw this little guy.He was eating bugs!Yummy!
 He is not a bug but he sure is cute!

Make head band to be a bug with construction paper,pipe cleaners,and pom poms.I gave him some paper to practice cutting.Too cute don't you think?

Music and movement: Pretend to be different bugs while wearing the head band.

 We tried some fun songs
Bug song A-hunting we will go, A-hunting we will go, We'll catch a (butterfly,spider,etc - let each child have a turn in choosing a bug) and put it in a box, and then we'll let it go!

Bee Hive finger play (Put your hands together like a bee hive and say...) This is my bee hive, but where are the bees, hidden inside where nobody sees, one two three four five (Pop fingers up while counting) And then Buzz the children with your fingers.

We ended with some bug juice and a sandwich.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Meditation Monday -4 ways to make a lasting change.

It has been a while since I've posted any Meditation Mondays.Like most of you,my summer has been a little crazy!

 A few years ago I was in a really bad place in my life.I was sick and didn't know why. I  was able to find peace and happiness when I had been so sad and lost. I discovered life had a blueprint that ever I got off track I could use that blueprint to get where I wanted to be in my life.With God I can wipe my slate clean and start over again thanks to forgiveness and repentance.What makes me truly happy is teaching and playing with my kids.Then, I love to share it with all of you! If I can help just one person see that their best is good enough!I hope to inspire someone to play with their kids more.

There are all kinds of blueprints out there.Let's look at a blueprint for house. A house needs something to hold it up something it can stand on. Besides relying on God and creator to hold me up and strengthen me,I can decide what I want the overall outcome of my life to be. I make goals to be better and make my families life better too!As my life has changed I have made improvements and "add ons".With each new season and each new challenge it seems to change it constantly.As the kids get older and more independent, I have to look at what's working and what is not working.This is done on a weekly ,and even daily basis! Just like a new addition to a home,a new addition to the family requires a lot of work and a lot of rearranging.We have all seen a construction zone.It is a mess.After we have made a plan and we are building it into our lives it is a mess and there are things that have to come together to make it complete.I am going to list the important components in implementing and creating what has been envisioned on a happiness blueprint.
How much time do we have to accomplish our goals.Every bit of the process takes time.For example,evaluating and writing our goals.Next,we put it to the test and re-evaluate.We have to look at our daily demands on our time to? Can we squeeze more in or do we need to eliminate something?
2.How much is it going to cost?
What we do on a day to day basis costs energy from us.How much do we have? Some days or even weeks I have no energy at all.Tasks take thought and preparation.
3.What materials will I need?
These materials are whatever we need to make this change.It may be as simple as changing a bad habit or putting a new habit into effect.
4.Who is involved in the building process and how and what will they be paid?
If I am changing a rule or how the house is run I need to prep my family and make sure they are willing to do their part.When workers are paid they are more likely to do their work.What is in it for you and your family.Is their payment success? Is it that their room is cleaner or they have more time to do what they want?

With this new school year approaching all my routines, and the amount of work at home, and at school is changing. I will have less time,and more demands on my time then seems possible.As my kids get older they are more involved in things like soccer,dance and Scouts.The baby needs my constant attention.What about housework?How many days do my other kids get the attention they crave?Due to all the demands on my time I decided not to homeschool all my kids.We prayed about it and felt any school option would be right.I will be doing preschool but my oldest 2 will be going to a Charter school. I will continue to work towards homeschooling but my family and I are content on the decision we have made.

What are the decisions you have to make?Have you looked at all your options?

D&C 9:8

8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right."

Breathe,relax and be calm

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

11 ways to celebrate wiggle your toes day

1.We talked about toes and feet.They are our foundation on which we stand.They help us get to where we are going.We can feel hot and cold,rough or smooth. We can run,kick,jump with them.Woman love to put shoes on them.
2.We can exercises just our toes.I found some great ones here
3.You can feel different surfaces.We went outside barefoot to focus on how they felt.The baby really liked the grass.

4.We played a fun game of Toe-ga.All you need pom poms,bucket and your feet!Plus you sneak some math in when you count the pom poms to see who won.

5.For your baby do the yoga pose happy baby.Tickle their toes and play This little piggy.
6.Fill a bathtub with ice and pick them up with your feet.

7.Soak your feet in vinegar
8.Make your own foot soak.Here is a lime mint foot soak
9.splash in puddles
10.Paint them
11.We got a sheet and paint and let them dip their feet in paint and dance all over the sheet.Sooo much fun!

Writing prompt:I like to use my feet to do/play

To continue with humility the kids chose somone and walked up to them and said, I like _____ about you.It was really sweet to watch.

Letter:T for toes

Monday, August 5, 2013

Catch the wave!

Sorry I have been MIA the last week or so.We just got back from vacation.It was a lot of fun and we did some writing and activities but it was very busy.

We only touched on humility while we were gone, so this week I want to finish up with it.There are so many great scriptures for humility so I had to share another one!

Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.

Writing prompt:I will not be selfish by.......

We talked about random act of kindness-doing things in secret but rewarded openly.

Since we went to the beach I have a joke for you.
Q:Why does a Lobster not share well?

A:He was a shellfish.

I found the perfect craft to go with our Lobster!
Craft:I will not be shellfish lobster made with foot and hand prints.I hung them on the wall under a sign that said.I will not be shellfish...

During the week I am going to look at ways my children show they are thinking of others.I will put a sticker each time I catch them in the act!
Nursery Rhyme: My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Age 6 and up practice counting by 5's again.Practice writing letter L and 5.We also practiced b and d again.It has been hard for her.
Age 8 and up we did another worksheet working on times from He had to answer questions based on movie times.

We are just a small sea creature in a big Ocean.However, we can
catch the wave.......of service and kindness to others.