As promised here is my water table. It is just a simple under the bed storage. We already have a sand box so they mixed the two with different containers and added rocks. It was a big hit so I ended up not doing centers today.
Circle time is a great time to talk to the kids and also to sing. We sing lots of songs including, If your Happy and you know it, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree, Twinle Twinkle llttle Star and we are learning Mary had a little Lamb. It is important I think to incorporate music everyday.

We have been reviewing the letter sounds for A-I. It has been a little difficult for my daughter to catch on. Does anyone have any good ideas? I have been trying to have her blend the letter she knows with A-I like red, bed,fed,bad, had,cab,dad,hid,bid. She gets really frustrated and wants to stop. I always listen to my kids if they want to stop so they don't get frustrated. She is doing really good writing her letters though.

I saw this cool idea on
icanteachmychild.com/2-3/. She had many I spy games. I took her idea but I changed it. We took old magazines and cut out letters, shapes,numbers. Lexi had a lot of fun with cutting.I let her cut into a box. We took the cutouts and glued it to make our own I spy mats.
I spy mats |
We are still practicing sharing.I also introduced family signs like mom, dad, brother,sister,aunt, uncle, grandma,and grandpa.We will be learning these signs and doing our family unit soon.
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