Circle time and toddler time.We sang the welcome song we do every time. If I find it online I will let you know.Head shoulders knees and toes and other fun songs. Talk about the weather and log it in her book. Went to her desk and practiced writing the letter E from top to bottom or what most teachers call the school way. My daughter wanted to draw a butterfly so she did. We also talked about the days of the week.
Math-I gave the kids a plate. We talked about its color,red. It is a circle.Then I had them pick the fruit and food from the hungry caterpillar week. They picked 5.Then I asked them how many were red. I had to help my toddler count.Picture is above.We also took a muffin tin and put a number 1-5 in each tin. We made our first brown bag popcorn.It worked and is so much cheaper! They put the number of popcorn in the corresponding tin of the same number
I might start to add behavior goals or manners to the mix. Today we did sharing. My toddlers favorite words are "mine" and "no". We practiced holding the doll and giving it kisses or hugs. I laid on the praise! We will be practicing that for sure more often!
10:00am-Snack and outside time
10:30-11:30-I did something different. I noticed that teachers do centers but as I do not have that much space I just broke up my room into 4 sections. The kids could stay in their center for 15 minutes and then switch. My daughter didn't want to switch but stay in the art center so tomorrow she promised she would try switching so we will see. The 4 centers we had were art center, reading, dress up and puzzles.

2-snacks and outside play.Then we pick up my first grader.
4-study time.I have already witnessed too many moms with kids who swear they have no homework so I call it study time and depending on the age is how long of a time it is. If your teenagers pull that and you don't know what to teach have them just sit at the table.Maybe their homework will magically appear! For my Pre-K I did a flip book that I got from the school that they want us to do everyday. It has a parent side and a kids side. In this one she had to point to colors as they were mentioned in a story.
This is the schedule that I am sticking with for now. Hope you enjoy my page!
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