Go to fairy tales and then Gingerbread story.We also read the story of the little red Hen.H is for Hen.We talked about being helpful and how it isn't always easy to stop playing to help Mommy or to clean up.What child doesn't need that lesson repeated over and over right?
Lexi practiced her letters F,G and H.

We did some play d'oh fun with stamps.Lexi has a princess themed collection so it was perfect!I saw this idea @ http://playinghouseinmaryland.blogspot.com/

Lexi liked using the scissors

The kids made them into cookies

I love his pretend full mouth!

They each got there own Princess and Prince crown.We talked about the shapes and then they decorated their crown.Their play d'oh is a little mixed up and looking pretty gross.I need to get more colors. These pictures are courtesy of makinglearningfun.com

Here is a little print out I did with clip art to practice their numbers.# 5-7 are what we have been working on this month.

And they all lived happily educated ever after...
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