I got a hair cut!

I started writing my book and took up painting! Here is what I have done so far!

My preschooler is really starting to pick up letters now! Yay! There is only 5 more months until Kindergarten so I am really focusing on writing and being familiar with letters and numbers!
Devotional: D&C 59:7
7 Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.
Letter A
Nursery Rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle
Counting Pennies. Pennies are worth one cent.
Make A with toothpicks.
Letter B
Number:3-A three looks like a B without the line 3
Nursery Rhyme: Pat-a-cake
B is for Baker
Character: Sharing and helping
Story: The little red hen
Math: Which cookies have 3 chocolate chips?

Letter C
Letter: D
Arrange letters A-D in order
Arrange numbers 1-4 in order
We also enjoyed learning letters with Oobi
I also let the kids practice writing and asked them about their pictures.

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