Maybe when I am gone they will remember, my words/my voice? I may not be gone from this earth but not there with them. As a Mom so many days I feel no matter how kind I am or if I am an anger monster my kids don't hear me! They might as well be covering their cute little ears. Why do they tune me out? A mother should have a voice. After all I am to instruct them and help them until they can stretch their wings of independence fully. Christ gave me this role of a mother. What would he say if he came and saw me yelling at my kids because this was the fourth time I asked my rambunctious hooligans to do something and my kids still are not listening?
He might quote a familiar scripture like Mathew 11:15:
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
I bet they would stop. Words, his words are powerful and lasting. This is his simple request. Ears when mentioned in the scriptures, usually means to hear the things of God and to understand and take them into our hearts.
I am trying to teach them the things of God both spiritually and to prepare them to be roommates and spouses someday. They have ears but they do not wish to hear. I am a broken record and
When we are babies we recognize our Mom and Dad's voice. We are so dependent on our parents for EVERYTHING! Babies grow up and then they gain their independence and voice and want NOTHING! Could it be that my comforting familiar voice is now filled with hints of frustration and disapproval? In their minds do they think" There is no making this woman happy"? At least when they are upset. Luckily my kids still need cuddles but they are fast approaching when those will fade or only happen if they "feel like it." By then I hope that I am a voice remembered. Please children make good choices when that day comes!

On those days where I feel like I am mother forgotten........ just wait....... find your voice.... and he will give me authority! In those rare moments it is like he gives me a microphone so my voice can echo in their ears and his words in their hearts. We have a 50% chance that they are listening or not listening. I can only pray when they aren't listening with their ears they are listening with their hearts!
Each day I wake up and hope to be a voice remembered. I may be small, but I have big things to say!