Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27-31 days of May-keovers

I have really been enjoying myself with these small changes.This last week I was not able to write everyday,however,I still have been trying to work in the areas I originally planned to.I have discovered along the way things that were not on my list,that became more pressing to me.I was able to put down my phone for the whole weekend and be with family and celebrate some birthdays.

There have been several late nights,migraines and some setbacks with my baby.His eczema has really flared up, and he is congested again.My hormones are all over the place!Hot flashes?!Really? I am not that old!It can be so frustrating to have to take steps backwards.For every step backwards, I hope to take 2 giant steps forward.My first attempt is to change my attitude!This is not going to happen in a day!There are still days I cry because I can't eat something I want to.There are days my family eats something and I lock myself in my room.The phrase I catch myself saying over and over again is "I can't" .I can't have that food or do this anymore.I am lucky to have a patient husband.

When I got to my may-keovers with my relationship with my husband,making time to connect and be with my kids,nothing else seemed to matter!I put my phone down and just had fun!I have missed writing though!

I am excited now that Summer has officially hit our home!It is my chance to have one on one time with my kids and I love it!One more week until week one of my Summer of success!

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