Read The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle.I found a great lesson plan from http://omazingkidsllc.com
We talked about how caterpillars start as an egg.Picture bellow is them as an egg(childs pose)

They pretended to be caterpillars crawling on leaves and eating until they get nice and fat.(happy baby pose to represent the caterpillar.)

They wrapped up in a cocoon.

The baby even got to join in on Mom's lap.You put your arms around them like a cocoon and slowly lift up and hold babies hands out like they have wings and flap them gently.
They became butterflies!

They did a fun movement found also @ http://omazingkidsllc.comWe made Suns out of yellow construction paper.Hold them high in the sky.

We took a break and had a snack.Look at the orange what does it feel like? Then they put it in their laps and imagined it growing and being picked and brought to the store.Can we eat it like this? No! They peeled their oranges.They are hungry little caterpillars.

Close eyes take a bite.How does it feel in your mouth?They liked how they took a bite and the juice squirted out.
They colored in their color book and we talked about what fruit or vegetables were certain color.

Music and movement: Move like a merry go round

Follow the Mother duck.

Introduce Humpty Dumpty
We are going to play a game for table manners.Wait for my post to see this fun game and use it with your family...........
How did you welcome spring?
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