Next we made a card board box school us for their stuffed animals.We cut our windows and a door.It's not much to look at but wait....

Fine motor:We then glued on tissue paper.Black construction paper became our wheels.

Gross motor:pushing the bus around.I wanted and planned to do more but the baby was very needy today so we did a lot of reading and playing on the couch.Maybe we will do more come review week at the end of this month!
Snack:Birds Nests.I ate these when I was a little kid,It was a walk down memory lane.It is sad that I can no longer eat it because I have Celiac. :(
What you need:
Mud-1/2 C butter and 40 big marshmallows.!/4 C crunchy peanut butter
Sticks- 1 C or more chow mein noodles
Grass-2 large biscuit size or more of shredded wheat
1.Melt Marshmallows and butter over low heat.Add peanut butter until looks brown like mud.
2.Add sticks 3.add grass.4.Stir until desired consistency.

5.Take one large spoonful with wet or buttered hands and shape into a nest.

6.Add candy eggs.

Baby play 4 weeks(one month)Our kitty puppet made an appearance at story time where he played peek-a-boo with the baby.Tummy time is still very important.He can hold his head up for a lot longer.He still not interested in toy but does react to rattle and noise.The older kids are good at this one but they get it way to close to his face.He will follow a toy back and forth which is good for strengthening his eyes.No real smiles yet.We also have rubbed different textures on his face.We are starting to go on more walks so he has a lot to learn about this new world of his.

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