I hardly talked but just listened to these woman and how they were trying to fight the adversary. There was even chocolate! Yes! Score! So I am happily savoring my dark chocolate when I was asked why I was there? What was I fighting for? All at once here come the water works and adrenaline! I am a big, big baby! Goodness gracious! I couldn't believe I was crying already! I am fighting because I don't want to be where I have been several years before. I want to beat depression and Fibro without being in a medication fog. I want to feel like a good Mom, wife and friend. This is my fight song! Hey I love that song by Rachel Platten. I sing it with my toddler (who loves to sing) at the top of my lungs and envision fighting the demons in my life.
Here is the powerful chorus:
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
(Starting right now) I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
I find this song very inspiring to me. I live every day with a chronic illness that can make me feel like I am barely living. But, I am fighting every single day because I still have a lot of fight left in me! It is my fight but I am not alone! I have Jesus Christ who strengthens me! You are not alone either! If you feel like you are losing remember what you want and fight for it! What are you fighting for? Why are you here?
Here are a few links to introduce you to the idea of eternal warriors:
Ephesians 6:11-20

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