Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 29-31(40 days closer to Christ)Make Christ the center of your home.

Day 29
Read Luke 22:31-32
Find one way you can strengthen someone today.
I am taking serious my role as a teacher in my home.I tried to look for as many opportunities to teach my kids as I could.I had special one and one time with each of my kids to talk to them and see how they are doing.

A big change I am undergoing is the way I respond when the kids aren't behaving.I want them to be obedient because they choose to be.So if the kids ask me why after I tell them to do/not do something ?I am not going to say "because I said so" but say because it would make Jesus happy and me or "think how you will feel if you do/don't do it.

Day 30
Read Mathew 14:22-23
 Today remember to focus on Christ.In your conversions,celebrations,you're teaching moments and your thoughts.Long to be near him.
I like how Emily points out how when  after a long night of fishing and not catching anything,in the morning the disciples see a man on the shore.When Peter recognizes him,he jumps in the water.That is how eager we should be to have him near and to want to do those things to bring us closer.
Emily Freeman also mentions 2Nephi25:26
"We talk of Christ,we rejoice in Christ,we preach of Christ.....that our children may know to what source they may look."
I never really thought about not only reflecting on personal experiences we are having daily with the Savior,but to talk about it more openly with our family and friends.We shouldn't be  waiting until Sunday to learn and teach.We should have discussions and offer prayers odfgratitude.If we are eagerly talking about him,it is like he is a friend and frequent visitor in our home.(at least his presence can be felt)

I shared at the dinner table with my family that I wanted to start sharing ways that Jesus was a part of our life today.The kids looked at me confused.I gave them some examples of how maybe he helped them control their temper or they may have felt good when they played with their siblings nicely.A few of the kids shared but we have lots of time to practice.I got this idea from a quote by Gordon B Hinckley.We have it by our table it reads "Christ is the center of our home, a guest at every meal, a silent listener to every conversation."

I thought he should be part of our dinner conversation!

Day 31
Read Luke 17:11-19
Identify something you would like to change in your life.It can be your weakness personally,family, or friends.Pray for the Lord to help you.

I try to do some sort of individual goal once a week.At the end of the week I look back and see how I did.I can always use a reminder to pray for help and more frequently.If I could only do one thing tomorrow it would be prayer.

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