Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Letter S is for Snowman-preschool and infant lesson

Scripture:For December I am doing a scripture each night so I won't be posting any in my lessons this month.You can check out my 25 days to a more Christ centered Christmas
Number:Review numbers
Nursery Rhyme: I'm a great big snowman
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a great big snowman,
Tall and fat.
Here is my tummy.
Here is my hat.
Raisins for my eyes,
And a carrot nose,
I'm all snow
from head to toe!

Story time:Word bird's winter words

Music and movement
Once there was a snowman,
Once there was a snowman
Tall,tall,tall.(raise hands above head each time you say tall)
In the snow he melted,(start to melt,moving body down)
In the snow he meted small small small (by the last small should be to the ground)

Snowey Pokey
You put your right mitten in, You take your right mitten out,
You put your right mitten in and you shake it all about.
You do the Snowey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.
Note continue with additional verses:
You put your left mitten in
You put your scarf in
You put your right boot in
You put your left boot in
You put your hat in
You put your snowself in

Snack:Check out our snow(whip cream)on top of yogurt.My Preschooler loved getting the bear stuck in the snow.We talked about bears and hibernation.I wish I could hibernate.I hate the cold!brrrrrr!

For baby- 9 months and older:We are still working on our signs.Milk,more,done,cat,dog.This week we are going to add snow.I got out bowls and spoons and in it I put cotton balls and pine cones.We used the word soft, rough,bowl and spoon.
The boys are making dinner together.
We talked about ice and crystals so we took a magnifying glass to look at the snow more closely.
Then the boys played with the snow.The baby didn't really know what to think.That is,until the snow melted;then he splashed in it.We stuck the pine cones in as trees.
Here we are making homes.

The animals like their new homes!Even though the zebra and Lion live in a non snowy climate.
We also made a snow man with a oatmeal container and construction paper.Make eyes,hat,nose and scarf and glue on.Then toss snow balls(cotton balls)and try to make it inside!My preschooler lost interest with this activity but the baby loved dumping what was inside,which was crayons.He loves dumping his blocks out too!


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