Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 12,13-25 days to a more Christ centered countdown

Day12-Luke 2:6-7.We talked about Jesus's birth and what a humble birth he had.

We ate our dinner by the tree.It was very peaceful,until my preschooler knocked over his food.

Day 13- Helaman 14:2-5
Samuel the Lamanite got on a wall and prophesied of a new star when Jesus was born.
Those who didn’t believe Samuel threw stones and shot arrows trying to knock him off the wall, but they could not hit him because the Lord was protecting him.Samuel bore a strong testimony of Jesus Christ even though many people were trying to hurt him.

We put the star on top of the tree to remind us to look up to Christ.

Song:I am like a star shining brightly

I am like a star shining brightly,
Smiling for the whole world to see.
I can do and say happy things each day,
For I know Heav'nly Father loves me.

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