Thursday, December 19, 2013

L is for light.Jesus is our light.-preschool and baby lesson

Go over colors and counting.
Nursery Rhyme:Star Light, Star Bright

Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

The main focus of this lesson is focused on Jesus.He is our example and our light.He helps us make good choices.He loves us.We talked about her billions of stars in heaven and how a star shown to show the shepherds and wiseman the way.We have to look for him and clear a way for him to be in our lives.

1.Twinkle twinkle little star

2.I am like a star shining brightly

I am like a star shining brightly,
Smiling for the whole world to see.
I can do and say happy things each day,
For I know Heavenly Father loves me.
Play right hand one octave higher than written.

3.Jingle bells

For baby3+ and up. Teach ASL sign for star to go along with the songs.We are still doing milk,more,all done,Mom,and Dad. I took glow in the dark stars,and other reflective objects.Other objects I used was spoon,pan,aluminum foil.He looked at the spoon and then banged it on the floor.He loved to crumple and look at the aluminium foil.
What they are learning:fine monitor and hand eye coordination.

We played with a flashlight and my kids dream lights.We put the image on the walls so the boys could chase the stars.
Next I put it under a toy bin.The baby used the bin to pull himself up and to bang on it.

Craft:I drew a star and L.Next we took tissue paper and glued it on.

When we had our church program someone made this little nativity.We used it for dramatic play.My preschooler liked lining them all up.

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