"I learned that if we embrace what's happening, we are also embracing what is possible - and a road opens up for God to meet us halfway."
We are halfway through May already! It has definitely been a busy month. I feel like this month has been all about trying to embrace what is happening. I am definitely one of those people on a road trip, that keeps track of when we get halfway. I celebrate it. I feel like I am almost there! Whether it is halfway through your day, week, year, and school. Celebrate the milestones. Realize how you have changed from the starting point.You can look back at what you have done to get to this point. It evokes several emotions. You may feel sad that the end is near or really happy. Every time I was pregnant I would count the months, halfway point and then the weeks up to the birth. It gave me something to look forward to.
Suzan-Lori Parks
We don't know how long we will be here on this earth. We can sit and count the days until our time is up or we can make the best of it. If we do all that we can do then God makes up the difference. The trouble is we don't know when we are halfway there. Everyday I fight whether I give in to my pain and thoughts or whether I push through. At 12 p.m. I try to look at my day and see if I am happy with what I have done. I meditate and try to relax because I am halfway through my day. Some of us manage our time and energy well, while others of us struggle to get through everyday. I feel so guilty laying in bed some days with really nothing to show for my efforts. A chronic illness can be controlled but not cured sadly. We can get in the car, turn the key, steer the wheel, push the gas peddle or brakes. We start the journey but we cannot see the bumps in the road. I can choose if I get up(get in car), commit to my energy to things(turn the key ), choose my to do list(steer the wheel). But just like a car I can only go so long before I am on empty. I need to know when I am on half a tank. I should refuel and rest, not wait until I am empty. The road ahead is my possibilities. I can only hope when I get in to drive that I am halfway to God's helping hands.
Today's assignment:
Choose something to celebrate today. It could be as simple as making it through the day. Maybe you are on a diet? Cancer treatment? Celebrate and embrace what is possible. I am handing you the keys to explore your road of possibilities!
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