Friday, January 10, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 2 Days 9-10

This week I am learning to listen to my body.I hope to journal the experience to better understand where I need to slow down.I hope to include moments when I felt stress and how I responded.Some stress is good like excitement or being scared because you are trying something new.It is when you are under stress constantly that you work against yourself.Parents do this too much to themselves!I also will stop what I am doing as close to every hour as I can to take deep breaths.At this time I want to feel how my body is.Is it tense do I need to do more to relax it?I hope it helps!I am doing this for you guys too!You might get a better insight into my psyche....scary ?hee hee

Day 9
7am-Scripture and prayer.What is my body telling me?Go back to bed. This cold is taking a lot out of me!So I lay there stretching and playing with my baby.It gets me up though feeling ready for food.I am always ready for food!:)
8am-Had to lower morning stress by taking deep breaths.I see the snow as I start my car.Some more deep breaths and and a prayer with my kids to be safe.Still stressed but hopefully when I get home that will help!
9-Driving in the snow makes me stressed.I got home OK but I am definitely taking some time to read some inspiration and listen to the silence and my sweet baby breathe as he falls asleep.I meditate.....
10-Fell asleep and feel a little better!I slowly came out of sleep when my alarm went off.I am feeling like I should get up and stretch,drink and eat something.I am taking a few more breaths and then getting up
1-It has been a while since I checked in.Feeling pretty good.Had some lunch after running a. errand.I got lost which usually stresses me out but I was pretty calm.After I got home and stretched.My body is very tight today so a lot of stretching has been necessary.Normally I wouldn't even think to do that.Mealtimes can be so chaotic because everyone needs something.I cleaned up and straightened the house.Going to read some more and maybe take another nap!I think yoga would also help with this draining I am feeling.
2-Deep breaths.I am more than halfway through my day.Taking time to listen to your body means you have to slow down,think.I still have things to do,lots of them but I am not feeling frantic.I set a timer to know when it is time to go so I won't be late.If something pops into my head I write it down.Planning my day also has really helped.I needed to go to the store but I can't take my baby out because he has rsv so I called a neighbor to see if they had one.They did!Yay to less stress!

3-The snow is really coming down right now and it worries me to go out in it again but it is really beautiful and I am enjoying watching it fall for now!I got my exercise in for today shoveling all that snow!It gave me a pretty good headache too!
5:30-Just finished cleaning up a toilet overflow but I wasn't too upset surprisingly.I took a couple of deep breaths and cleaned it up!
7-8:30-I was very busy with pack meeting but I took all the kids except the baby so my husband could have a break!Didn't really stop or breathe deeply.

9-I need to work more on my night time routine.We have been doing great with getting things ready for the morning!However keeping them in their bed is another matter!Lately a few of my monkeys are put in their beds by 8 but they get out or play in their bed until 10!

10:30-Fell into bed.The end!

Reaching out-
In return for this neighbor helping me I will bring her dinner tonight.Yummy!
In her recent article 4-resolutions-every-mom-should-make I like how Edie says“neighbors” who live in our house.She then lists 4 ways to serve your family.I agree with her 100% that one of the most important things you can do for your kids is listen to them!So 1.Listen to them
2show kindness when it’s hard
3.laugh more with my family
4. inspire don’t demand

I want to get my kitchen painted so I am cleaning out my baking center so we can sand the doors and paint them!Being sick has slowed me down a little but I am determined!

Day 10
I woke up before my kids today so I had time to slowly wake up,stretch and read.I am remembering to breathe but not as well as yesterday!
I didn't journal as much today,but I tried to do similar things.
Little breaks during the day really helped!I think that you will find yourself running around trying to get everything in the world done you are running in emergency or stress mode and it is not good!This challenge this week should help you understand how much stress you are actually feeling and how often we ignore what our bodies are trying to tell us! You may not realize how fast stress comes and what it is doing to you!
If things are out of control right now,your house,money,sleep,and kids.Slowing down and thinking about what is important should start to bring things into perspective.Take one area and one day at a time and check back in with yourself to see how you are doing!

I am also learning how to calm myself down so if there is either an overflowing toilet or overflowing demands on my time my emotions won't get the best of me!I am a worrier by nature.To not worry and keep a positive attitude are my biggest protectors against overreacting and staying in control!

Common external causes of stress
Major life changes
Relationship difficulties
Financial problems
Being too busy
Children and family

Common internal causes of stress
Stress can also be self-generated:
Chronic worry
Negative self-talk
Unrealistic expectations/Perfectionism
Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
All-or-nothing attitude
Here is where I got the above list and more helpful tips on reducing stress!

Reaching out-
I listened to my children,stopped cooking or looking at my phone.After all they are our closest neighbors!

We should be ready to do some of the lower part of our kitchen;sanding and painting!

Are you buried by being too busy?

Break free with me and slow down!

Don't forget to:

Listen to nature
Listen to music or create your own
Listen to deep breaths as you meditate or do some yoga
Listen to the silence and let your heart hear uplifting words to feed your spiritual appetite
Listen to your child ask"Can you play with me?"
Resist multi tasking and trying to do "one more thing"

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