Saturday, January 25, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 24

Reaching in:
“NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment". Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gift:Being true to yourself

 We can't help but to feel.Do you ignore your feelings if the people around you don't feel the same way.Don't ignore your emotions.They are a part of you,just like your eye color.Feelings are neither right or wrong they just are. It is also what you do with these emotions that matters.How often have you thought or said I shouldn't feel this way?Why?Are you worried about what others think or that you aren't valuable enough? It is about being true to yourself and knowing what you deeply want.This may sound like I am saying to be self absorbed.This is not the case.I am merely saying don't just do something that you are uncomfortable with or ignore nagging feelings like loneliness or anger.You should allow yourself to move through the your emotions like you are going from point A to B.Have you heard of the term emotional roller coaster.This term means you and your emotions are all over the place.It has ups and downs.I am using this phrase metaphorically .If you move through an emotion you go through the ups and downs until you reach the finish.You can get off the "ride" knowing you have worked through it.The other options are bottling it up,pushing it aside or changing yourself.If you choose these unhealthy route, I think this tells oneself"you aren't important".

This process for the most part is brief.There are times where we keep getting back on the ride because of the drama we feel or denial.Who says there us a select time frame.If it is taking you longer to work through it;there are several options to help.You can find a support system like family and close friends.Journaling and writing how you feel is also one of my favorites!
Honoring our feelings isn’t about thinking you are better than anyone – it’s really about being true to ourselves.

Our emotions are a part of us.I feel that we experience these emotions also that we might lift another.If you have lived it you can empathize with that person.Today try to notice how you feel and also see if you can be in tune with someone else.Maybe a tired spouse or a child who feels they aren't being heard.Sit down with them and help them work through that emotion.You can be sensitive to others while still being true to yourself.

Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

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