Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 23

Reaching in-
 Sister Belle S. Spafford, a former general president of the Relief Society says-
“Homemaking, as I view it, falls into two major divisions: homemaking and housekeeping. Homemaking takes into account the spiritual values: love, peace, tranquility, harmony among family members, security. It makes of a place of residence a spot to which family members can retire from a confused and troubled world and find understanding and rejuvenation. Its character is quietness; it evidences good taste, culture, and refinement. Men, women, and children alike have their individual contributions to make to good home and family life, and each shares in its benefits.

Homemaking can be a gift.There are many different areas of homemaking.What makes a home?First of all the Mom sets the tone.You have more power than you think!The atmosphere is very important in a home.Can you think of someones home you always want yo be in?Why are you drawn there?
I have always wanted to be one of those homes.The busyness of life can throw your house into chaos.It is then time to put on the breaks and look at what your priorities might be.My husband and I counsel with the Lord and each other.We have a meeting together each Sunday and a family council on Saturdays.This helps us work as a team and be aware of what is going on.

Still I am not perfect and I certainly cannot do it ALL!Am I a failure?No and if you are lost in piles of toys,laundry and dishes like me you are not alone.To fully give the gift of homemaking you must start over.This can happen daily,weekly or whenever.Just like any gift it needs nurturing and time.If you are moving forward each day then you are on the right track.Here are a few areas where your true gift and talent may shine:
Cleaning and organizing
Home beautification
Meal planning

Amy Clark Scheren says what homemaking is @
"It's about the day-in and day-out acts of loving and serving our families. It's about managing our homes in a way that blesses others. It's about creating a peaceful and comfortable environment where messy lives and broken hearts can see the gospel being lived out. Where our husband and children and friends can be refreshed and restored. Where we can find and give joy."

Maybe we could look at cleaning as a blessing for our home.I think we all know what we don't like about our home,but what do we like?Peaceful and messy cannot exist,not really.Clutter and mess make the whole family on edge.It feels like nothing is ever finished.What do I propose we do about it?

DISCOVER the lost art of planning.
Everything starts with a plan,its not always well thought out or followed through with,but its there!My happiness blueprint starts with a plan.Plan with a smile and resolve to be happy.That is a gift you can share with everyone!

I suggest that we take back our evenings.Have a party tonight!When the kids are in bed get a notebook out or planner.Write 1-3.On the next page write your Daily list.This is not a schedule but a list of what you HAVE to get done in a day.For example for me:
Read scriptures,pray
Make beds
Dishes and kitchen counters
Laundry(one load per day)
Sweep(several times a day so baby doesn't find a goody on the floor and choke.
Mom time
Straighten Living room and entryway
15 minute de-clutter
Time with kids
Time with hubby
Plan next day
Once you have your daily list go back to the page with numbers 1-3.We are going to write 3 goals to make this to do list happen.Make these goals specific and attainable.The point here is to not overwhelm you.Here is mine:
1.Time with family is most important so make sure cleaning is done before dinner rush.

  • Make sure kitchen is clean night before.
  • Older 2 kids in charge of table and floors before leave for school
  • I clean up after lunch.Sweep and straighten living room
  • Move laundry through when kids get home from school

2.Fix night routine

  • Find the problems
  • Keep kids in kitchen helping
  • Get things ready the night before
  • 5 minute clean up and inspection.All toys downstairs.
3.10 minutes at least uninterrupted talking with my husband and 10 minutes planning for the next day.

Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

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