Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reaching in and Reaching out-Week 4 Day 22

When will my reflection show who I am inside?Thanks to my daughter for borrowing my boots.Cute picture huh?We need to love ourselves and be who we are.

Week 4
Reaching in:
“NEGLECT NOT the gift that is in thee;
MEDITATE upon these things;
GIVE thyself WHOLLY to them.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15

I love and echo what this great woman's group Time out for Women is asking us woman to do!This inspired me for this weeks challenge.Check them out!This group invites women everywhere to discover the gifts they have been given and make sacred time to “meditate” on them.How can we give these talents wholly(fully) to them?

Let yourself shine through.Would you like to unlock your true potential?Stop comparing yourself or to have the perfectly clean house or the greatest hairstyles for your girls.If its not YOU why stress yourself out?Find out what you are good at.We are all born with gifts that our unique to us.

Who are you?As mothers we wear many different hats.Can you wear all the hats at once?Not without looking silly.In addition only one will fit on your head at one time.What I wish to convey is that we cannot do it all or be the best at it all.We can discover what make us shine and make the time to nurture these gifts.Change your perspective and look a little deeper within.It is there!Celebrate your strengths.Strive everyday to be your best self.

If you don't recognize and love the true you; you need to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.This will improve how you feel about yourself. Gifts come in all different sizes and shapes.SHAPE— Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences.You have a bundle of talents.Like a muscle these talents need to be used.If you don't use them;you lose them.

Challenge:Write at least 3 things you are good at and strengthen those areas.As you do this you will see where you have become strong and beautiful!
Reaching out:
What I want to do this week is to write a letter to my family outside my State and give them an update.Instead of writing a Christmas letter for the whole year I thought it would be more fun to break it up month by month.I want the kids to make Valentine's cards as well.

For our home's this week it is all about getting stuff out of the house.Each day take a garbage sack and pick a room.Set the timer for 15 minutes and pick up garbage.Find one item to get rid of that is not trash.Put that item in a donate box.At the end of the week see if you or the kids missed it.If not donate.If you get some money for selling old clothes to a place like kid to kid.You could donate the money to a charity.Anything goes!Be ruthless!When you are done buy some flowers to brighten up the place.

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